понедельник, 10 апреля 2023 г.


Урок № 31

Тема уроку: Контроль читання.  Контроль говоріння.


1) Уважно прочитай текст двічі!2) Письмово, на окремому аркуші в лінію,  дай відповіді на запитання що під текстом.

Read the following excerpt from a novel. 

                            The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

   A large cow with big eyes and a smile approached Zaphod’s table. “Good evening,” it said and sat down, “Are you ready to order? I’m the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?”

   Arthur and Trillian were shocked, Ford appeared bored but Zaphod looked hungry.
   “A slice from the shoulder perhaps?”suggested the animal, “grilled` with wine sause?”

   “Er, your shoulder?” said Arthur horrified.

   “But naturally my shoulder, sir.”

   Zaphod jumped up and and felt the animal’s shoulder.

   “My meat is very good,” it said. “I’ve been exercising and eating plenty of grass.”

   “This animal actually wants us to eat it!” whispered Trillian.

   “That’s horrible!” exclaimed Arthur.

   “What’s the problem, Earthman?” said Zaphod.

   “I don’t want to eat an animal that’s standing there inviting me to,” said Arthur, “it’s cruel.”

   “It’s better than eating an animal that doesn’t want to be eaten,  said Zaphod.”

   “That’s not the point,” Arthur protested. Than he thought for a moment. “Alright,” he said, “maybe it is, but…” He looked at the menu.

   “I think I’ll just have a salad.”

   The cow spoke up. “Why don’t you have some nice roast beef with peas and carrots? Or how about a steak fried with onions? Rare, medium or well done?”

   “A salad,” said Arthur emphatically, “some lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes and maybe some sweetcorn.”

   “A salad,” said an animal, disapprovingly.

   “Are you telling me I shouldn’t have salad?”

   “Well,” said the animal, “I know many vegetables that don’t think you should. Which is why  it was such a good idea to create an animal that actually wants to be eaten and can say so clearly. And here I am.”

   “A glass of water,please,” said Arthur.

   “Look,” said Zaphod, “I’m really hungry! Four rare steaks please, and hurry. We havent eaten in five hundred and seventy-six thousand million years.”

   The animal looked delighted.

   “A very good choice, sir, if I may say so. I’ll just go and shoot myself.”

   As it walked slowly towards the kitchen, it gave Arthur a friendly smile.

   “Don’t worry, sir,” he said. “I’ll be very humane.”

   A few minutes later the waiter arrived with four huge steaks served with mashed potatoes, boiled cabbage and mushrooms. Zaphod and Ford started eating without a second’s hesitation. Trillian paused, then picked up her knife and fork.

   Arthur started at his feeling slightly ill.

   “Hey, Earthman,” said Zaphod with a malicious smile on the face that wasn’t stuffing itself, “what’s eating you?”

Decide if the statements 1-6 are true or false.

1.     The cow was upset that it was goin

g to be killed. ________

2.     Arthur ordered a salad because he was shoked by the cow’s behaviour. ________

3.     The cow believes that vegetables can think. ________

4.     The animal behaved in this way because it had been designed to do so. ________

5.     When the meal was served, all the characters started eating at once. ________

6.     Zaphod agrees with Arthur’s objections. ________


                 Complete these phrases from the text.

1.      Are you ready to __________ ?

2.      May I __________ you in… ?

3.      Why __________ __________ have some…?

4.      I think I’ll just __________ a salad.

5.      A __________ of water, please.


Тема: Контрольна робота: ГОВОРІННЯ

Уважно ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ всі наведені теми, оберіть одну, напишіть повідомлення, або голосове повідомлення!

Speaking Test

I. Chose one of the topics below and make a talk about

1. Environment 

What should we do to increase the awareness about environmental pollution?

Do you have any ideas on how to minimize the use of plastic bags and Styrofoam boxes?

Does your local government make it easy or hard for citizens to recycle?

What's happening to forests in the world?

What happens when we remove forests?

What can we do to protect forests?

Why should we recycle?

If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one would you choose? Why?

What can you do to help prevent pollution?

What can you do to make this world a better place?

Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or protecting the environment?


2. Inventions

What are the best and the most useful inventions of the mankind in the 20th and 21st centuries?

What famous inventors do you know? What were their inventions? Do you know anything about the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci?

How did the invention of television change people's life? Do you think it is a useful invention? What is the role of television in your life? How often do you watch it?

Do you believe that one day people will live on the moon and on other planets? Why isn't it possible today?

What would you invent if your a scientist?

What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind? (weapon, atomic energy, cigarettes, television, mobile phones, cars, genetically modified products etc)

Can you name some inventions are you looking forward to? (human cloning, time traveling, eternal-life-pill, AIDS\cancer vaccine, teleportation)

What do you know about cloning?


3. Youth and society

As a teenager, what do you think you can contribute to society?

At what age should teenagers leave home?

What type of punishment do your parents use?

Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Why or why not?

What do you think are some important things parents can do for teenagers?

Do you think teenagers today show respect for adults? Teachers? Parents? Brothers and sisters?

Should boys and girls be given the same amount of freedom? Why or Why not

How does media affect the thinking patterns of the teenagers of today?

If you could do something differently, which mistake in the past would you not make and why?

Do you think teenagers today should show more respect for adults?

How do you plan to reach your goals?

How often do you set goals for yourself?

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