вторник, 28 апреля 2020 г.


7 група -  англійська мова - тема уроку "Перевір свої знання за темою "Україна"

1. Пройди тест на сайті 
- https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=991575

Код доступу 991575, вкажи своє прізвище та імя !

1. Пройди тест поданий нижче, відповіді запиши у своєму зошиті
1.    Translate into English:

a)    вишиванка –
b)   розпис  –
c)    гостинний –
d)   представляти –
e)    Державна влада –
f)     наївний живопис –
g)   шедевр –
h)   українське суспільство –
i)     залізна руда –
j)     вишивати –

2.     Write the words in the correct order to complete the sentences:
a)    European / Ukraine / the largest / is / one of / countries.
b)   the Cabinet of Ministers / The highest / power of / is / body of / the state / executive / Ukraine / represented / by.
c)    Nowadays /  of Ukrainian / corruption / a great problem / society / is.
d)   Verkhovna Rada /The Government / is / of Ukraine/  responsibility /  to  / and / to / reports /  it.

3.    Write the sentences using Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous:
a)    Modern opishnya’s ceramic products ____(preserve) a rich variety of forms, among which, along with the traditional national ones, there were a number of new ones - vases, decorative dishes and more.
b)   Kateryna Bilokur ______ (already / recognize) as a brilliant artist.
c)    Ukraine ________( go)  on for centuries for its independence and in 1991 it happened.
d)   The film about Chernobyl ___(already/begin) when   we came to the cinema.

4. Write a story about your favorite art of Ukraine.


7 група -  англійська мова - тема уроку "Україна творча"

“A picture is a poem without words”
1) Vocabulary

embroidered shirt


вишивати хрестиком

2) Опрацюйте текст - випишіть нові слова, читайте і усно перекладайте текст

Ukraine is creative

       From ancient times an embroidered shirt is considered a charm. It is a symbol of beauty, health, happy destiny, tribal memory, holiness and love.
    The girls learned to embroider. This shirt gives the person the healing power of his native land, protects against all evil. Embroider it with colored threads. Red symbolizes love, black symbolizes grief, white symbolizes hope. The patterns were also symbolic. Viburnum meant beauty and procreation, poppy - wellbeing and youth, periwinkle - fidelity, cornflowers - tenderness and modesty, roses - movement and love, sunflower - a symbol of light and work. Therefore, such shirts are given to loved ones and relatives.
      The embroidered shirt is a national dress of Ukrainians. It is dress for national holidays, in solemn moments of life.      

            Kosiv's hand-painted ceramics is a traditional Hutsul folk craft, one of which is ceramics. Pottery: various utensils, children's entertainment, souvenirs, oven tiles, decorative tiles. You can use sophisticated manufacturing technology and special drawings. December 13, 2019 Kosiv's hand-painted pottery is included in the UNESCO representative list of the intangible cultural community of the population.
Opishnya's ceramics - traditional Ukrainian ceramics from the village. Opishnya in Poltava region, one of the largest centers of pottery production in Ukraine. The object of intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine.

          According to archaeological findings found in the vicinity of Opishna, the settlement was inhabited in the Neolithic period. This is when ceramic cookware is widely used. The development of modern crafts dates back to the late 19th century, when the majority of the population of Opishnya was engaged in the production of original decorative pitchers. Modern opishnan ceramic products have preserved a rich variety of forms, among which, along with the traditional national ones, there were a number of new ones - vases, decorative dishes and more.

            Petrykivsky painting, or "petrykivka" - is a Ukrainian decorative and ornamental folk painting, which was formed in the Dnieper region in the village of Petrykivka, where the name of this type of art comes from.
Separate items with Petrique-style paintings have been preserved since the eighteenth century. However, in the modern sense, this trend was formed at the end of XIX century - early XX century. The origin of the Petryk painting is attributed to the Cossacks and the settlement of the Dnieper region by immigrants from Poltava, Slobozhanshchyna and Podillya in the 18th century and in the first half of the 19th century. However, it is unknown where and when the traditions that formed the basis of this line of painting developed.
Petrykivsky painting is not only folk art that preserves the traditions of decoration of Ukrainian housing, but also modern painting, which develops and acquires new features.
On December 5, 2013, the Petryk painting was included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

          Mariya Primachenko is a Ukrainian folk artist, representative of naive art. Primachenko constantly studied in native Polissya. But the connection of her work with the branches of the family tree of the most ancient art is indisputable. The "two-part" image of animals with a definite border of the head and torso, which is often resorted to Primachenko, dates back to the Paleolithic. In her paintings are still embodied pagan, echoed in the depths of Slavic mythology, images of fantastic monsters and birds. Primachenko synthesizes the experience of many generations of folk masters.
Mariya Primachenko - winner of the National Prize of Ukraine TG Shevchenko. Honored Artist of the USSR since 1970, People's Artist of Ukraine. 2009 - by UNESCO decision - was recognized as the year of Mary Primachenko.

          Kateryna Bilokur is a representative of “naive art”, to which a group of artists who have not received academic education, but have become part of the general art history, belong.
The artist throughout her life won the right to draw. Her biography could probably be a plot for a Hollywood movie. After all, Kateryna Bilokur did not go to school, she learned to write and read on her own. As a child, she used to collect coal from the furnace and paint the walls, secretly take away her brother's pencils and decorate with notebooks. Growing up, instead of doing homework, he grew into fields and drew - often on a regular canvas that he used to paint again. She did the brushes herself, the paints were also made from beetroot, elderberry, and viburnum. All alone, no one taught.
The kind and forgiving Bilokur had been struggling with dignity all her life. She could hardly dream of calling such a world-famous artist as Picasso her genius. It happened when she was over 50 years old. But before that, the simple peasant Catherine had a lot to go through.
Catherine Bilokur's creativity is currently one of the best assets of 20th-century Ukrainian culture.
3) Опишіть своє враження про українське мистецтво.
Складіть розповідь з 10 речень.

понедельник, 27 апреля 2020 г.


6 група -  англійська мова - тема уроку "Екскурсія по музеях Києва"

“Art is long, life is short” 
1) Запишіть і вчіть слова :

an artist
an image
a genre
a masterpiece
a scene
a scenery
a tendency
a theme
to depict
to devote
to propagate
to represent
to be inspired by
[ bi ɪnˈspaɪəd baɪ]
бути натхненним
to be  influenced by
[ bi ˈɪnfluəns baɪ]
під впливом

2) Прочитати текст і перекласти ( усно), випишіть нові для вас слова.
The museum of Ukrainian Art in Kyiv
       The Museum of Ukrainian Art was built by Vladislav Gorodetsky as Kiev's first city miseum of antiquities and Art. The museum was opened in 1899. In 1936, the historical section withdrew to an independent organization and the museum of Ukrainian Art was formed. The large collection of paintings, drawings and sculptures embraces all periods of the develop­ment of Ukrainian fine Arts and is arranged in twenty-one rooms.
The oldest exhibit displayed is the wooden polichrome relief of "St. George with Scenes from His Life" produced in 12th or 13th century, which is similar to works by Byzan­tine masters. Attention should be given to the portrait of the young monk, Prince Dmitry Dolgoruky (1769) by the prominent Kievan painter Samuel who skillfully emphasized his chaste dignity.
The art of the late eighteenth century broke with icon painting tradition. The static conventional pose disappeared from portrait painting. A lofty romantic attitude to people and native land is characteristic of the painting of Taras Shevchenko (self-portrait), Vasily Tropinin (girl from Podolie), Constantine Trutovsky (On a moonlight night) and others.
Realistic traditions of genre painting were developed by Nikolay Pimonenko (Wedd­ing in Kiev province, 1891), at the well, Rivals (1909), Nikolay Murashko, most important Ukrainian artist of the turn of century is the author of paintings of extraordinary expressive power.
The museum's collection of Ukrainian paintings of the 1920s is the most complete one and is represented powerful expressive paintings of Anatoliy Petritskiy and the monu­mental works of Timofey Boychuk, Vasiliy Sedliar and Ivan Padalka.
Ukrainian Art trends of the 1930s and 40s are represented by Aieksey Shovkunenko's fierce battle scenes (The Battle of Maxim Krivonos with Terenty Vishnevetsky and others).
Feats of the people struggle against Nazism and for a peaceful life became the main Themes of artists Vladimir Kostetsky, Tatiana Yablonskaya, Nikolay Glushchenko and oth­ers.
The pictures by artists from the Soviet Transcarpatians Josef Bokshay, Audrey Kotska, Fedor Manailo, and Gavreei Gluik attract with the originality of their images and inten­sity of their color scheme.
Visiting the museum of the art lover may trace the progress of Ukrainian art during the years of its existing.

3) Вивчити і законспектувти тему Пасивний і Акивний стан - https://grammarway.com/ua/passive-voice 

4) Put the sentences into the Passive voice
(Письмово переведіть речення в пасивний стан)

1.                   Unknown artist painted this picture.
2.                   Joseph Turner exhibited his paintings at the Roayl Academy.
3.                   You can see some pictures by Aivazovskyi in our Art Museum.
4.                   Only Tetyana Yablonska paints such a beautiful pictures.
5.                   He always paints a lot of sketches when he travels.
6.                   Aivazovskyi painted a lot of landscapes.

воскресенье, 26 апреля 2020 г.


7 група -  англійська мова - тема уроку "Державні свята України"

1) Нові слова за темою запишіть у свій словник і вивчіть їх -     ст.108 впр.2

1. prosperity - процвітання
2. token - знак
3. to conjure - чарувати
4. recovery - зціленняодужання
5. descent - походження, джерело, родовід
6. the Resurrection - Воскресіння
7. fragrant - запашний, духмяний
8. enigmatic - загадковий, таємничий
9. to signify - означати
10. solstice - сонцестояння
11. bonfire - багаття
12. wreath - вінок, вінець
13. ritual - ритуал
14. treaty- договір

2) Читати текст впр. 3 ст. 109-112 і перекладати їх усно

3) Впр.5 ст. 112 - поєднай пари і запиши їх у зошит


Урок № 53

 "Підсумкова контрольна робота"

Після закінчення карантину принести роботу вчителю!

Листок підписуємо так:

місце для

Підсумкова контрольна робота
з англійської мови
за ІІІ курс
учня групи № 6
Іванова Івана Івановича

Розгортаємо листок і виконуємо завдання - ВСЕ ЗАПИСУЄМО ПОВНІСТЮ! Те, що виділено синім - в роботу вписувати НЕ ТРЕБА!

I. Build up sentences ( Будуємо речення).
1.She is interested                             a) drinking alcohol.
2.I would like                                     b) to seeing my daughter.
3.You should give up                         c) being ill.
4.We really enjoy                               d) laughing at her.
5.I’m looking forward                       e) to living in a dirty house.
6.He is used                                      f) talking to drunk people.
7.She pretended                                g) swimming in the sea.
8.Pamela is good                               h) to have a cup of coffee.
9.I couldn’t help                               i) in surfing the Internet.
10.She avoids                                     j) at riding a horse.

II. Write sentences correctly (Правильно запишіть речення).
1.Leonard loves to riding.
2.My cousin stopped to exchange a few words with her gardener.
3.Remember buying some strawberry.
4.I insist on to come in time.
5.Try using a pen instead of a pencil.
6.We were surprised to know that.
7.The doctor advised me taking this medicine.
8.Mary has decided to apply for this job.
9.I tired not to looking at the dead body.
10.I heard a little girl to play the piano.

ІІІ. Complete the sentences, use Infinitive ,Gerund or Participle (Доповніть речення, використовуйте інфінітив, герундій або відмінок)
1.I have no idea what ( choose).She doesn’t enjoy ( wear) formal clothes.
2. He doesn’t mind ( watch) the programme.  He’s  pretending (be) angry.
3. ( invite) to the premiere of the play she was looking forward to watching it.
4. Who is that man ( sit) in the hall and  ( play) the guitar ?
5.I’ll try (speak) to him. He promised  ( tell) the truth.
6.Have you finished ( cook)? I can’t stand ( wait).

IV. Choose the right variant, make the sentences in Active or Passive Voice ( Правильний варіант вписуємо в речення і підкреслюємо).
1. The room …….at  the moment.
a)is being decorated   
b)is decorate   
2.The pupil …..  the  report yet.
a)hasn’t been written  
c)hasn’t  written                                                                                                       
3.The new method of recycling….. by them.
a) is been taken 
b) have been taken 
c) will be taken.
4. He …….by the terrorists.
a)will  kill   
b)was killed 
c)has killed
5.The scientists ……the  new laboratory.
a)haven’t used 
b)were used 
c)have been used
6.The TV …….. off by him in time.
a)have been switched 
b)was switched   