вторник, 31 марта 2020 г.


7 група -  англійська мова - тема уроку "
Історія мобільного телефону"

The Evolution of the Mobile Phone
Do you know, that in 2013 there was, technically, the 40th birthday of the cellphone. Four decades ago, Martin Cooper – a vice president at Motorola – made the first known cellphone call in history.
Since that critical moment in history, the mobile phone has overcome cerious changes which helped to model and design the current devices we now depend upon.
So how have cellphones evolved in the last forty years?
What model of a cellphone do you own?
evolution of mobile phones

Mobile Phones
Mobile (or cell) phones are becoming an extremely popular electronic device and sometimes they are even replacing house phones. They are also becoming more technologically advanced: most can take and send pictures and videos and connect to the Internet. Mobile phones can be used to look up weather or answers to questions on search engines. Many children are becoming mobile phone owners. But we should be aware of both the positive and negative aspects of mobiles.
Let us start with the advantages of buying a mobile for a child. First of all, many mobile phones allow access to the Internet, which can help a child to find answers to questions very quickly and easily. This can help with studies and other simple questions like daily weather or finding directions to go to some place.
Secondly, some mobile phones have tracking devices. So parents can track where their child is at any moment, to know that he\she is safe.
Thirdly, mobile phones can be a learning tool for children. There are many applications that can help to learn new words or simply train your memory.
And last but not least, mobile phones allow parents and children to stay in touch. Mobile phones can be important in emergency situations or when a parent needs to quickly get in touch with a child or vice versa.
At the same time there are certain disadvantages in mobile phones usage. First and foremost is cheating. Students can text answers under their desks during tests. Some students try to find answers to test questions on the Internet using their phones.
Moreover, mobile phones can be very distracting from important events in a student's life such as studying, doing homework, or even crossing the street.
Besides, children can receive abusive messages from other students or from strangers.
And finally, mobile phones are not cheap.
All in all, mobile phones have already become an important part of our daily life and communication. We just have to use them wisely.


abusive - образливий
access - доступ
advantages and disadvantages -Переваги і недоліки
to allow - дозволяти, дозволяти
application - додаток
to cheat - обманювати, зд. списувати
communication - спілкування
to connect - підключатися, зв'язок тися
to cross the street - переходити вулицю
direction - вказівка, інструкція
to distract - відволікати
emergency situation - надзвичайна ситуація
extremely - надзвичайно
house phone - домашній телефон
learning tool - навчальний засіб
to look up - дивитися, шукати (інформацію в довіднику, в інтернеті)
memory - пам'ять
mobile phone = cell phone - мобільний телефон
to replace - замінювати
search engine - пошукова система
to stay in touch - залишатися на зв'язку
to text - набирати смс, текстове повідомлення
to track - стежити
to train - тренувати
vice versa - навпаки

1) Опрацюйте текст "Mobile Phones" - читати текст, перекласти, виписати нові для вас слова.
2) Дайте відповіді на запитання:

Answer the questions
1. Why do parents want their children to have a cell phone?
2. What are the advantages of having a cell phone?
3. What problems you can have with a cell phone?
4. When did you get your first mobile phone?
5. What do you usually use your mobile phone for?
6. How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?
7. Do you think it is right that mobile phones are not allowed in some schools?
8. In what place would you recommend people switch off or turn down their mobile phones? Why?
9. Translate the underlined expressions. Use them in your own sentences about mobile phones.
10. Think about these people. Find 3 pros and cons in buying a mobile phone for them.

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