вторник, 31 марта 2020 г.


11 група -  англійська мова - тема уроку "

1. Прочитайте текст, виберіть і запишіть невідомі вам слова і перекладіть їх.
2. Вчіть нові слова - ст.105 впр. 2

1. to concern - турбуватися
2. substance - речовина
3. by-product - побічний продукт
4. poisonous - отруйний
5. interaction - взаємодія
6. biodiversity - біорізноманіття
7. disaster - катастрофа
8. earthquake -  землетрус
9. cyclone - циклон
10. hurricane -  ураган
11. typhoon - тайфун
12. flood - повінь
13. tsunami - цунамі
14. drought - посуха
15. tornado - смерч
16. avalanche -  лавина
17. mudslide - грязь
18. landslide - зсув
19. to cherish - плекати

3. Перекладіть поданий нижче текст письмово.
4. Виконайте вправу під текстом.

Ecological problems are causing great damage to our environment. Among the most urgent ones are the ozone layer, acid rains, global warming, toxic pollution of atmosphere, disappearance of forests, contamination of underground waters by chemical elements, destruction of soil in some areas, and threat to some flora and fauna representatives.

The Earth is the home to millions of different kinds of living things, which make up the complex world of nature. Nowadays people try to change their habitats to suit their own needs – to create farmlands or build cities. They create pollution and destroy wildlife habitats by digging the ground up for mining, or by building roads through them. A quarter of all the plants in the world are known to be in a danger or threatened with extinction. There are different types of pollution: water pollution, air pollution, ground pollution and nuclear pollution.

Acid rain falls when poisonous gases from power stations and vehicle exhausts mix with oxygen and moisture in the air. These gases become the part of the water cycle and may be carried a long way by the wind before they fall as acid rain, which kills wildlife in lakes, rivers, and forests, and damages the surrounding plant life.

World temperatures are currently rising every year. This so called global warming is caused by the building of gases and water vapour in the atmosphere. As the planet warms up, the polar ice caps will start to melt. This could cause sea levels to rise and many habitats will disappear under water.

Ecological problems have no borders. However, environment disasters can be avoided if people broaden ecological education and every person understands that the beauty of nature is extremely fragile. Governments must take serious actions against pollution.
Choose true or false:
1. The Earth has never been the home to millions of different kinds of living things.
 2. A half of all the plants in the world are known to be in a danger or threatened with extinction.
 3. Acid rain falls when harmful gases from power stations mix with oxygen an moisture in the air.
5. Читати текст, вставляючи пропущені слова з таблиці нижче.

Environmental Protection
We live in a magic, wonderful world. This world is our Earth. The
Earth means everything around us: air, water, land, all living creatures
and plants. It is our home. But today our planet is in serious
danger. The solution of ecological and environmental problems …(1) us
greatly …(2) the cooperation of all nations. The protection of the environment
…(3) one of the most burning problems of our century.
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear
all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute
the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we grow grain
and vegetables on. Cars and industrial enterprises pollute the atmosphere
with millions of tons of …(4) substances, such as chemicals, exhaust
fumes, etc. They are the main reason for global warming and
acid rains.
Our forests …(5) because they are being cut down or burnt and
their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance and destroys habitat.
As a result some rare species of animals, birds and plants disappear
forever because of their …(6) habitat.
All life on the Earth depends on water but oceans — saying nothing
of rivers, seas, lakes, streams, ponds and even underground water
— are polluted with poisonous substances because of industrial
and nuclear waste, chemicals and rubbish. The pollution of air, water,
soil, destruction of the ozone layer, acid rains and global warming
are the results of man’s careless interaction with nature, a sign of
ecological crisis.
We have to remember about natural disasters: avalanche, hurricane,
flood, tsunami, cyclone, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tornado,
drought, mudslide, typhoon, and disasters which are caused by human
errors: fires, wars, plane crashes, nuclear explosions, shipwrecks,
explosions on ammunition dumps.
The …(7) horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people
as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station
in April 1986. A great damage …(8) to Ukraine’s agriculture, forests,
rivers, lakes, animals, plants and people’s health.
Every year thousands of plants and animal species get extinct. We
are losing biodiversity. And the problem of endangered species …(9)
worse, too, because of global warming, air and water pollution, deforestation, destroyed habitat.
So, environmental protection is really a global problem. And it goes without
saying that the most serious measures to create a universal system of ecological security …(10) immediately. If we don’t use the environment carefully and protect it from man’s destructive activities, very soon we won’t have the planet to live on.

6. Впр. 8 ст. 109 - Граматичне правило
Eco Actions - Sustainability takes us further - Libero

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