среда, 21 октября 2020 г.

Англійська мова - 1 курс


УРОК № 15

 Тема уроку - Готуємо за рецептом

 1) Повторити - Вивчену лексику за темою - ст 38

2) Вчити - Direct Speech and Indirect Speech - ст.43-46

Direct Speech (Пряма мова)

If we want to report what someone has said we have to repeat his/her words. Saying what someone has said is called direct speech.
1. “Where have you been, Jack?” she asked.
2. He said, “I know nothing about her. I haven’t seen her for ages”.

Indirect Speech ( Непряма мова)

Instead of repeating someone’s words we can say what he/she has said.
1. She asked Jack where he had been.
2. He said that he knew nothing about her as he hadn’t seen her for ages.
Such sentences are called Indirect Speech or Reported Speech.

If the reporting verb is in the present there is no change in the reported clause.
1. He asks, “What are you going to do after classes?”
He asks what we are going to do after classes.
2. She says, “I live in Kyiv”.
She says she lives in Kyiv.
3. I say, “I like music very much”.
I say (that) I like music very much.
If the reporting verb is in the past we have to change the verb in the reported clause.

(продовження на ст. 44-46)

 3) Виконати вправи - ст.42 впр.1

1.  Do you agree with the statements below?

1. We should eat at least five different vegetables or fruits a day.

2. Fresh vegetables contain more vitamins than frozen or cooked


3. Potatoes contain vitamin C.

4. Fruit juice contains as much fibre as fruit.

5. Nuts and beans are a source of protein.

6. Calcium is found in dairy products.

7. A well-balanced diet includes food like bread, pasta, cereals, bananas

and rice.

8. Chocolate is bad for you.

ст.47 впр.3

3.Look at the photos. Name these television personalities who transform the popularity of the Ukrainian cuisine and teach us to cook.

(картинку подывыться в пыдручнику)

4) Повторити - Іменники, множинаhttps://englishprime.ua/uk/mnozhestvennoe-chislo-sushhestvitelnyh-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

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