понедельник, 24 октября 2022 г.


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Викладач Кравченко Любов Іванівна


Перше завдання слуханняListening

В нормі я б мала вам його прочитати, але самі знаєте в якому світі ми зараз живемо... і аудіофайл тут не причепиш.... тому пропоную вам текст - уважно прочитайте уголос двічі і до цього тексту є 20 запитань. 

Good afternoon and welcome to another edition of “You and Your Body.”  The topic of today’s program is vitamins, one of the basic components of the human body, and one that still mystifies many people…at least that’s what the letters from listeners show.  Today we will try to answer as many of your questions as possible.

So, what are vitamins?  Well, vitamins are one of the five elements essential for a healthy body.  The others are proteins, which we get from meat; carbohydrates, which we get from pasta and bread; fats and minerals.  Actually, the name vitamin comes from Latin “vita” which means “life.”

Now, before we go on, let me clarify something.  Some people may believe that vitamins and minerals are similar because they’re combined in the various food supplements on the market.  But they’re not.  Vitamins are organic compounds, whereas minerals are inorganic substances.  For example, calcium is a mineral, not a vitamin.

Actually, even vitamins differ from one another in their chemical composition and the way they act.  Nevertheless, we can see two main vitamin groups:  fat-soluble and water-soluble, that is, vitamins that can dissolve either into fat or into water.  Let’s have a closer look at those two groups.

Fat-soluble are vitamins A, D, E and K.  Their common characteristic is that the body can store them in fat, in the liver and in the kidneys.  So we don’t need to take them on a daily basis.   Water-soluble are vitamin C and the vitamin B complex.  The body cannot store them, so we must make sure that they are contained in our daily diet.

Why are vitamins so important?  The main reason is that vitamins help the metabolism of three of the important elements we mentioned before:  proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.  In other words, without vitamins the body cannot process these essential substances.  Vitamins also help the body create blood cells, hormones, chemicals in the nervous system and genetic material.  Unfortunately, we still don’t know much about the complex ways in which vitamins operate in the body.  Actually, we are not even sure about the precise effect of certain vitamins, for example, vitamin E.

You may be asking, “How do we get these vital elements?”  Well, the main sources of vitamins are just around the corner at your local supermarket.  We can see two categories:  plant products such as fresh fruit and vegetables; vegetable oil and margarine; bread, pasta and cereals; and animal products; meat, poultry and fish; liver, heart and kidneys; and dairy products, that is fresh milk, butter and cheese.  Now, there is one vitamin which you get for free, so to speak.  Most of vitamin D is produced in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight.  And here is an important piece of information for vegetarians who don’t eat any animal products.  Because vitamin B12 is found only in animal products, vegans should take vitamin B12 supplements.  Vitamin supplements may also be needed by pregnant women and people on special diets.

I would like to end this program with a word of caution.  Vitamins are essential for our health and we do need to ensure that we take the necessary amounts, but we can have too much of a good thing.  Yes, it may sound strange to some of you, but taking more than the amount we need will result in a number of health problems.  This happens particularly with fat-soluble vitamins.  For example, large amounts of vitamin A can cause anything from headaches and skin rashes to growth problems in children. Even large doses of vitamin C, which is not stored in the body, can destroy vitamin B12 and reduce calcium in bones.  So be careful when taking food supplements.  Good day and good health.


Questions 1 through 10 (on your answer sheet circle + if the statement is true, - if it is false).



The name of the program is “You and Your Vitamins.”




The word “vitamin” is derived from Latin.




Vitamins and minerals are similar.




Vitamins are divided into two categories.




Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and kidney.




Two water-soluble vitamins are A and C.




The primary function of vitamins is to metabolize proteins, carbohydrates and fats.




The effects of some vitamins are not known.




Vitamin B12 is found only in plant products such as vegetables.




It is detrimental to one’s health to take too much of some vitamins.



Questions 11 through 20 (on your answer sheet choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D)

11.                       Information about vitamins:

a.                 is entirely clear

b.                brings up a lot of questions

c.                 is of little interest to the listeners of the program

d.                is very mystical to some people

12.                       In addition to vitamins, good health depends on:

a.                 five other elements

b.                three other elements

c.                 a sufficient supply of minerals

d.                four other elements

13.                       The word “vitamin” comes from a word for:

a.                 food

b.                life

c.                 health

d.                energy

14.                       Vitamins are:

a.                 organic compounds

b.                the same as carbohydrates

c.                 the same as proteins

d.                inorganic compounds

15.                       Vitamins are different from one another:

a.                 in their chemical composition

b.                in the way they dissolve

c.                 in the way they react

d.                all of the above

16.                       Fat-soluble vitamins:

a.                 need to be taken every day

b.                do not need to be taken every day

c.                 add significantly to body weight

d.                give the body extra energy

17.                       Most vitamins can be gotten from:

a.                 minerals

b.                rain water

c.                 chemicals

d.                food

18.                       Vitamin D is produced:

a.                 while you sleep

b.                when the body is exposed to sunlight

c.                 by vitamins A and E

d.                in a laboratory

19.                       Vitamin B12 is found:

a.                 only in plant products

b.                only in pregnant women

c.                 only in animal products

d.                only in carbohydrates

20.                       One of the dangers in taking fat-soluble vitamins is that:

a.                 they can add to body weight

b.                they can cause an upset stomach

c.                 they can cause health problems if taken in excess

d.                none of the above

На листочку пишете
1. Listening Comprehension
1) +
2)  -
12)  d
 і вкажіть вітповіді як показано, але правильні на вашу думку


I shifted uncomfortably inside my best suit and eased a finger inside the tight white collar. It was hot in the little bus and I had taken a seat on the wrong side where the summer sun beat on the windows. It was a strange outfit for the weather, but a few miles ahead my future employer might be waiting for me and I had to make a good impression.

There was a lot depending on this interview. Many friends who had qualified with me were unemployed or working in shops or as labourers in the shipyards. So many that I had almost given up hope of any future for myself as a veterinary surgeon.

There were usually two or three jobs advertised in the Veterinary Record each week and an average of eighty applicants for each one. It hadn’t seemed possible when the letter came from Darrowby in Yorkshire. Mr S. Farnon would like to see me on the Friday afternoon; I was to come to tea and, if we were suited to each other, I could stay on as his assistant. Most young people emerging from the colleges after five years of hard work were faced by a world unimpressed by their enthusiasm and bursting knowledge. So I had grabbed the lifeline unbelievingly.

The driver crashed his gears again as we went into another steep bend. We had been climbing steadily now for the last fifteen miles or so, moving closer to the distant blue of the Pennine Hills. I had never been in Yorkshire before, but the name had always raised a picture of a region as heavy and unromantic as the pudding of the same name; I was prepared for solid respectability, dullness and a total lack of charm. But as the bus made its way higher, I began to wonder. There were high grassy hills and wide valleys. In the valley bottoms, rivers twisted among the trees and solid grey stone farmhouses lay among islands of cultivated land which pushed up the wild, dark hillsides.

Suddenly, I realised the bus was clattering along a narrow street which opened onto a square where we stopped. Above the window of a small grocer’s shop I read ‘Darrowby Co-operative Society’. We had arrived. I got out and stood beside my battered suitcase, looking about me. There was something unusual and I didn’t know what it was at first. Then it came to me. The other passengers had dispersed, the driver had switched off the engine and there was not a sound or a movement anywhere. The only visible sign of life was a group of old men sitting round the clock tower in the centre of the square, but they might have been carved of stone.

Darrowby didn’t get much space in the guidebooks, but where it was mentioned it was described as a grey little town on the River Arrow with a market place and little of interest except its two ancient bridges. But when you looked at it, its setting was beautiful. Everywhere from the windows of houses in Darrowby you could see the hills. There was a clearness in the air, a sense of space and airiness that made me feel I had left something behind. The pressure of the city, the noise, the smoke – already they seemed to be falling away from me.

Trengate Street was a quiet road leading off the square and from there I had my first sight of Skeldale House. I knew it was the right place before I was near enough to read S. Farnon, Veterinary Surgeon on the old-fashioned brass nameplate. I knew by the ivy which grew untidily over the red brick, climbing up to the topmost windows. It was what the letter had said – the only house with ivy; and this could be where I would work for the first time as a veterinary surgeon. I rang the doorbell.


1. The writer’s outfit stood out because of the weather.

2. Many of his former group mates have already abandoned hope to become veterinary surgeons.

3. Mr. S. Farnon wanted to meet the writer at the weekend.

4. If everything went well, the writer was to become the assistant veterinary surgeon.

5. The road they were driving along was smooth and straight.

6. The writer had always imagined Yorkshire to be a lovely romantic area.

7. The streets of Darrowby were wide and busy.

8. The group of old men sitting round the clock tower were quite quiet and motionless.

9. The town has two ancient bridges of tourist interest.

10. The Skeldale House had an old-fashioned brass nameplate.


Загальна кількість балів – 10 (один бал за кожну відповідь)


11.As he travelled, the writer regretted his choice of

a.                 seat.

b.                clothes.

c.                  career.

d.                means of transport.

12.                     What had surprised the writer about the job?

a.                 There had been no advertisement.

b.                He had been contacted by letter.

c.                 There was an invitation to tea.

d.                He had been selected for interview.

13.                     The writer uses the phrase ‘I had grabbed the lifeline’ to show that he felt

a.                 confident of his ability.

b.                ready to consider any offer.

c.                 cautious about accepting the invitation.

d.                forced to make a decision unwillingly.

14.                     What impression had the writer previously had of Yorkshire?

a.                   It was a beautiful place.

b.                  It was a boring place.

c.                   It was a charming place.

d.                  It was an unhappy place.

15.                     What did the writer find unusual about Darrowby?

a.                   the location of the bus stop

b.                  the small number of shops

c.                   the design of the square

d.                  the lack of activity

16.                     What did the writer feel the guidebooks had missed about Darrowby?

a.                   the beauty of the houses

b.                  the importance of the bridges

c.                   the lovely views from the town

d.                  the impressive public spaces

17.                     How did the writer recognise Skeldale House?

a.                   The name was on the door.

b.                  It had red bricks.

c.                   There was a certain plant outside.

d.                  It stood alone.

18.                     How did the writer’s attitude change during the passage?

a.                   He began to feel he might like living in Darrowby.

b.                  He became less enthusiastic about the job.

c.                   He realised his journey was likely to have been a waste of time.

d.                  He started to look forward to having the interview.

19.                     The writer was going to Darrowby

a.                 to start a farm

b.                to try to acquire a post of an assistant veterinary surgeon

c.                 to check if the guidebooks describe the place accurately

d.                to find the only house covered in ivy

20.                     The writer claims that Darrowby

a.   has clear air

b.   gives a feeling of space

c.   is very quiet

d.   all of the above

На листочку пишете
2.Reading Comprehension
1) d
2)  d
12)  d
 і вкажіть вітповіді як показано, але правильні на вашу думку

Виберіть одну з трьох тем і прокоментуйте її, тобто напишіть повідомлення на цю тему

1.   The Olympics occur every four years in a different city around the world. This sports event   has become an international tradition. People seem to stop what they do to be able to watch the games during the two weeks they take place. But, what would happen if the Olympic games were cancelled? How would the world respond? What would people do? Write an essay describing what the world would be like without the Olympics and your feelings about it.

2.   Mobile phones have become popular around the world. People depend on mobile phones to do their daily jobs or to keep in contact with other people. But what would the world be like without mobile phones? Has this invention  truly improved the quality of life of those who use them? If you could invent something new, what would it be? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.

3.  A holiday is a special time when people excitedly exchange meaningful presents showing their love for one another. What do you think is better: to give or to receive presents? Why? What presents do you especially wish for? Why do you want these things? If you had the money or ability to give anything to one person in the world, what would you give,  whom would you give it to, and why?

На листочку пишете
3Writing Comprehension
і далі ваше повідомлення

4. Говоріння (усно)
Оберіть ОДНУ з 20 тем 
 4. Speaking Comprehension


In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.

1.  People are often interested by foreign people and cultures. Which foreign culture do you find most intriguing?

•   Which tradition from that culture would you like to experience?

•    How has the classical understanding of that culture evolved over time?

•   What are the advantages and disadvantages of accepting foreign traditions into your

     own culture?

2.  Everyday millions of people visit video-hosting sites such as YouTube.

•   Why have these sites become so popular? Do you or someone you know what these clips?         What kind of clips do you watch and why?

•   What makes such sites different than television?

   How do these clips influence society? Give examples.

3. Throughout most of the 20th century, music and art were considered equally important as math and science. Some people are concerned that schools are placing less and less emphasis on studying art and music.

•    Do you think that students should be required to learn music and art in school? Why?

•    How do you think our society will change if we stop learning about music and art?

• Who is your favorite composer or artist? Did you learn about them at school or an­
      other way?

4.   If you could be in any TV show, which would it be?

•    Would you be a new character or an existing one?

•    How would you introduce yourself into the show?

•    How would your present affect the plot?

5. You have just won 10,000 dollars, and have decided to take a trip around the world.

        Explain the choice of the countries you will visit.

        Why are they important for you to see?

        Who would you take with you to see the world?

6. Shakespeare wrote, «AII the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players».

•   Interpret this statement.

•   Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?

•   How does this quote apply to your own life?

7. The world is becoming increasingly urbanized.

• Why are more and more people living in cities?

•         In the future, do you think people will live in the countryside?

• Is living in a city a sustainable lifestyle? Explain.

8.      Mobile phones have become commonplace in the past decade, and are a useful tool
used by nearly everyone. However, mobile phones are occasionally used in inappropri­ate times and situations.

•  How has the use of mobile phones negatively affected an experience you've had?

   If you could write their guidelines for their use, what would they be?

•   How would society benefit from your guidelines? When is it appropriate to use mobile phones?

9. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. You have the opportunity to interview any
person in the world.

•  Who would you choose to interview?

•   How has this person influenced people's lives

  What three questions would you ask first?

10. Mark Twain once wrote, «Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.
Broad, wholesome, charitable views cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little cor­ner of the earth»

•   Do you agree with Twain's statement?

   How does traveling to different cities and countries combat prejudices?

•   Other than traveling, how can people become more open-minded?

11. Imagine you have the power to see the future.

•   What advantages and disadvantages accompany this gift?

•   What responsibilities come with this gift?

•    Would you make the knowledge of your ability public? Why or why not?

12. Imagine that someday you will have a career as an actor or actress.

•   What kind of character would you play? What types of production would you be in?

•  If you could play any character in a theater performance or movie that you have seen, who      would it be and why?

•   Do you think you would enjoy this career?

13. Discuss the quote «You never step into the same river twice».

•   How do you interpret this quote?

•   Do you think it is a true statement? Why or why not?

•   How can you relate it to yourself?

14.Imagine you have a magic mirror that allows you to see anything in the world.

•   What would you choose to see?

•   What would you do with this information?

•  What could be dangerous about someone having access to such a powerful tool?

15. If you could learn any language besides Ukrainian, Russian, or English, what would it


•  What are your reasons?

•  What opportunities would it create for you?

•  What unique hurdles would you have to overcome?

16. How important is it for young people to have good role models?

•  Who do you think is a good role model for young people in your country? Why?

•  What would you most like to be admired for?

•  What characteristics define a good role model for you?

17. Imagine working as a tour guide.

  Do you get many foreign tourists? Where do they come from?

  What do they come to see?

  What are the most popular places?

18. Many young people nowadays use social networks like Vkontakte and Facebook to stay
in touch with friends and family. However, many critics fear that these sites are cost­ing us too much in terms of privacy and can have a negative impact on users.

•What are the advantages of using social networking websites?
• What are the possible disadvantages of using such sites?

How can people reduce the risk they put themselves in when using sites like Facebook

and Vkontakte?

19. It is required that pupils study a foreign language in school.

• Do you feel teaching sign language would satisfy this requirement? Why or why not?

• What effect would this have on Ukrainian society?

• How would this impact the life of a deaf person?

20. People today may think that humankind has seen everything there is to discover in and around the world, yet there are still a lot of unknowns about the ocean and outer space.

•  Do you think it is more important to devote resources to exploring the ocean or outer space?

•  How would we benefit from exploring this realm?

•  What do you hope we discover in the next ten years?

На листочку пишете

 4. Speaking Comprehension
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