понедельник, 6 февраля 2023 г.


Урок № 24

Friday, the tenth of February

Тема уроку: Шляхи вирішення проблеми забруднення

1) ПОВТОРИМО  Past Perfect

2) УСНО впр. 3 ст. 168

3. Read the text again and complete the sentences.

1. There are different types of natural … .

2. Earthquakes are caused … .

3. Hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones are … .

4. A tsunami is … .

5. A flood is … .

6. A mudslide is … .

7. An avalanche is … .

8. Fires and volcanic eruptions … .

9. Natural disasters influence … .

10. Changes in weather and climate … .

11. These changes threaten … .

3) УСНО впр. 10 ст. 173 - робота з текстом листа

4) ПИСЬМОВО - впр. 12 ст. 175 - дайте відповіді на запитання

1. Do you agree that we live on a contaminated planet? Do we live

healthier lives than ever before in human history? What do you


2. Do you think it is possible to live in a world that is both green

and industrialised?

3. Do you agree that environmental problems are connected only

with the economy?

4. Which is more important in your opinion — the standard of living

or protecting of our Earth?

5. What do you think of the system of fines when you throw litter

in the streets, in the yards, in parks and squares, in the countryside,

near rivers and lakes? Do you agree to pay fines?

6. Is it possible to combinemodern technologies and the clear sky,

pure water and air?

5) Повторюйте лексику вивчену за курс 


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