понедельник, 1 ноября 2021 г.

  КУРС 1

Урок № 13

Тема:  Vitamins are life.  Вітаміни - це життя

1) Вивчаємо нові лексичні одиниці - впр. 2 ст. 37

2) Прочитайте текст і скажіть, чи корисна їжа, яку ви їсте - впр. 3 ст. 37

Vitamins, calcium, sodium, potassium and other minerals are very important for us.


C is very good for our teeth and bones. It is found in lemons, oranges, currants and broccoli.

E is very important for our skin. It is found in broccoli, cereals, nuts and lettuce.

A is good for our eyes. It is found in fish, fruit, carrots and broccoli.

D is important for our bones. It is found in eggs, cheese, milk and butter.

Calcium is good for bones and teeth. It is found in yoghurt, cheese, milk.

Sodium helps us keep the right amount of water in our bodies. It can be found in cheese, seafood and salt.

Potassium is important for our muscles, heart and nerves. It can be found in meat, bananas, raisins and dried apricots.

3) Впр. 4 ст. 38 - виконайте вправу письмово - випишіть наведені слова у 2 стовпчики - useful food / корисна їжа та junk food / некорисна їжа.

These words can help you:

healthy, unhealthy, useful, harmful, tasty, sweet, acid, salty, bitter, horrible, disgusting, spicy, fatty, important, good, bad, bones, teeth, eyes, muscles, nerves, skin, legs, hands, to grow, to be strong and healthy, to do sports, to exercise, junk food, vegetables, fruit, grain, vitamins, minerals.

4) Прочитайте текст нижче і усно перекладіть його. Якщо в тексті є нові для вас слова - випишіть їх і запамятайте.

The Role of Vitamins in Our Life

The importance of vitamins for our health can hardly be overestimated. Probably, everyone has heard that vitamins and minerals are part and parcel of a healthy diet. Unfortunately, statistics says that today people all over the world consume too much calories and too little essential nutrients and vitamins. Lack of vitamins, known as vitamin deficiency, influences the state of our skin, hair, nails, teeth and bones. In more serious cases it can cause heavy diseases – spasms, loss of hair and teeth, loss of vision, hepatic disorders, skin diseases, and many others.

All in all, there are over thirty vitamins, and some of them are incorporated into groups. Vitamins themselves don’t have any nutritional value, in other words, they don’t contain any calories and can’t serve as sources of energy. They relate to micronutrients that are contained in food. So, to be healthy, we need to eat several types of food: fruit and vegetables, fish and meat, and milk products. Vitamins can be divided into two large groups: fat-soluble and water soluble ones. As the term suggests, water soluble vitamins are dissolved in water, while the fat-soluble ones are dissolved only in fats. The first group includes vitamin C and B-group vitamins. Such vitamins as A, E, D and K belong to the second group, and they can be stored in our organism. That’s why we lack vitamins of the first group more often.

The most essential vitamins for children are D, C and A. For example, vitamin D is responsible for the healthy development of bone tissues and teeth, as well as for calcium absorption. Its deficiency often causes rickets, which is especially dangerous for girls. People get it with sunshine, but if you live in the northern regions, where sunny days occur not very often, you should take enough D vitamins with food. It is contained, for example, in egg yolk, butter, cod liver oil. Babies get all vitamins with breast milk, so, breastfeeding women should eat these products. Vitamin A is responsible for the growth and good vision. It’s contained in beef liver. Greenery, carrots, tomatoes, and some other vegetables contain a lot of carotene, which if taken inside with any fat, is converted into vitamin A. As for vitamin C, it’s very important for the immune system. It can be found almost in all fresh fruit and vegetables, especially in kiwi, black currant, briar, and sweet pepper.

Vitamin B9, which is also known as folic acid is a very important element for women. It is absolutely indispensable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also it regulates nervous system activity and helps to combat depression. It is contained in green vegetables, liver, wholemeal bread, honey. Vitamin E is one more “female” vitamin. It is a natural anti-oxidant, which inhibits the process of senescence, regulates the reproductive system activity and has a good effect on the state of skin, hair and nails. Sometimes it is even described as the “vitamin of beauty”. It can be found in crude vegetables oils, nuts, and wheat germ.

So, if you wish to be healthy, energetic and have a healthy appearance, pay careful attention to your diet. Try to choose natural food containing all basic vitamins and minerals. Your daily ration must include enough fresh fruit and vegetables, crude oil and wholegrain bread. Also try to eat fish or sea products at least twice a week.

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