среда, 4 ноября 2020 г.


Урок № 16

Тема уроку - Healthy food Корисна їжа

ЗАВДАННЯ до уроку

1) Запишіть і перекладіть твердження - впр. 1 ст. 42.

Чи згодні виз ними?

1. Do you agree with the statements below?

1. We should eat at least five different vegetables or fruits a day.

2. Fresh vegetables contain more vitamins than frozen or cooked ones.

3. Potatoes contain vitamin C.

4. Fruit juice contains as much fibre as fruit.

5. Nuts and beans are a source of protein.

6. Calcium is found in dairy products.

7. A well-balanced diet includes food like bread, pasta, cereals, bananas and rice.

8. Chocolate is bad for you.

2) Виконайте впр. 2 ст. 42

2. How much of the food mentioned in Ex. 1 do you eat?

1. Do you like cooking when you have free time?

2. Isn’t it a good idea of spending free time?

3) Вивчаємо граматику - ст. 43 - Direct Speech / Indirect Speech ( пряма мова / непряма мова)

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